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Are you aware that implementing the right networking strategies can lead to more aligned success in the job market?

In this episode of the Power, Purpose, and Prosperity Podcast, Sabine speaks with Cassie Spencer about navigating networks for aligned success in the job market. Cassie is a career coach, host of Happenstance podcast, idea generator, and content writer. She loves connecting the dots between people’s education, experiences, and passions and helping them seek out opportunities that they are excited about.

Listen in to learn how to approach networking conversations from a learning perspective, ask the right questions to overcome impostor syndrome, and find aligned success. You will also learn how to strategically connect on LinkedIn and leverage your immediate network as a lower-risk starting point.

Key Takeaways
  • How to develop the courage to ask questions when networking to determine whether a company is a good fit.
  • How to approach a networking conversation from a learning perspective to overcome impostor syndrome.
  • How to be active and engaging on LinkedIn as a strategy to find meaningful connections.
  • How to recognize the right connections in your networking efforts and let go of the not so right ones.
  • How to stay on people’s radar and give value to your network by being a connector.
What You Will Learn in This Episode:

[02:35] Cassie’s background in career development on college campuses and career coaching in the private sector.
[05:08] How implementing networking strategies can lead to more aligned success in the job market.
[06:38] The conversations to have and questions to ask your network to get examples of a company’s values to determine how it aligns with you.
[14:37] How to leverage your immediate network as a lower-risk starting point and strategically connect on LinkedIn.
[19:05] How to be engaging and specific on LinkedIn when putting yourself out there to give people an idea of how to support you.
[24:07] Cassie explains how people are leveraging other social platforms to network now and in the future.

Connect With Cassie:


Book Recommendations:

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch


LeadHership Reloaded invites you on a transformative journey that reshapes leadership beyond gender confines. Discover how every individual’s boundless potential defines leadership, challenging conventional narratives. It’s time to rewrite the story of leadership, and the journey starts with each turn of these transformative pages.

About Sabine

As an accomplished Author, Speaker, and Executive Career & Leadership Strategist, Sabine leverages nearly 20 years of experience to guide clients in both startups and Fortune 500 companies. She specializes in supporting women and emerging leaders during their seasons of transition, guiding them as they break through mental limits and grow in confidence, influence, and impact.

In her capacity as the CEO of Gedeon Enterprises, the visionary Founder of She Leads Network, and the host of the inspiring She Leads Now podcast, Sabine’s message of growth and transformation is amplified through her published works, “LeadHership Reloaded” and “Transformed: The Journey to Becoming.” Holding a Master’s degree in Management and Organizational Leadership, Sabine is also certified as both a Life Coach and Leadership Consultant from ICF-accredited institutions.

Additional Resources

Work With Me: Complimentary Discovery
My Gifts To You: FREE Resources
Connect With Your Peers: Get on the waitlist to be notified when doors reopen to SheLeads Network

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